A Small Business Week contest!

A Small Business Week contest!

Celebrate Small Business Week with a contest to win a free half day of business services from Clearview Business Services Corp.

This contest is only open to my 151 current LinkedIn connections. If you are at an event this week and see me there, say hi and ask me to add your name to the draw. It’s as simple as that!

The winner will be selected at the end of the week. If the winner is already a client, they can have a half day taken off their next bill. If the winner can't use my services, they can give the half day to someone of their choice. One entry per person. Half days are 3.5 hours, and the time could be spent in person, on Zoom, or a combination over a few days. Valid until December 31, 2018.

I’m starting the week with 151 connections. How many will enter this contest? The closest guess without going over will get an extra entry in the draw (valid if they get their name in the draw from seeing me in person this week). Please post your guesses as comments to one of my LinkedIn posts promoting this contest.

How many new connections will I have after a week with possibly seven events? All of my connections are people that I have met in person, so the connections grow slowly. The closest guess of new connections between now and Friday night without going over will get an extra entry in the draw as well. Please post your guesses as comments to one of my LinkedIn posts promoting this contest.

Ready, set, happy Small Business Week!

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This blog is intended for information purposes only, and is not meant to replace the services of a bookkeeper or an accountant.

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